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COVID-19 impacts the poor more than any other group

Updated: Apr 2, 2020

Low-income groups are disproportionately affected by COVID-19 - below are some key examples, but by no means an exhaustive list of reasons:

  • Many low-income jobs, such as grocery store clerks, are not afforded time off or sick days

  • Low-income individuals are less likely to have health insurance

  • Low-income families are less likely to have the financial resources needed for emergency funds or to stock up on food needed during quarantine

  • Unstable Internet access and lack of access to reduced school meals means that school-age children suffer

  • Homeless populations are at immense risk, often times residing in crowded and close quarters

  • Prison populations also live in crowded quarters where "social distancing" is nothing short of impossible

When considering COVID-19, it is imperative to think about those at the margins who suffering disproportionately.

Groups already subject to socio-economic disparities bear an unequal burden during the current crisis. It is necessary to adopt an interdisciplinary lens which considers deeply rooted social inequalities as they relate to public health and welfare systems.

Considering economic justice is key to deconstructing the key impacts of COVID-19 within our society.


Read more at the link above.

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