In the midst of new forms of socialization imposed by COVID-19, some wonder how these changes influence dating life and social relationships. Long hours in uninterrupted isolation together may be the experience of some couples, while others face the stark opposite extreme of isolation from each other should one individual have to self-quarantine for extended periods of time.
Everyday life is sprinkled with new developments brought forward by the pandemic. Couples working together from the home balance work space with home life. Others, who are single, face long periods of isolation - raising concerns about health effects of such long periods of isolation.
The use of social media, not surprisingly, plays a notable role in pursuing romantic life during the current pandemic. Increased time spent on dating apps, and other social media platforms to meet new people, appear to be documented. Especially for those living along, such forms of social media represent a uniquely connecting form of social contact for social beings like ourselves.
Source: Read more at the link above.